Latent Civil War: Improving Inference and Forecasting with a Civil War Measurement Model | Andy Halterman

Latent Civil War: Improving Inference and Forecasting with a Civil War Measurement Model


This paper contributes to the substantive study of civil war onset and the methodological literature on handling latent dependent variables. We first introduce a new Bayesian measurement model of civil war status, using eight datasets on civil war status and a dynamic Bayesian IRT to produce measures of latent civil war status. Using the latent data, we then re-analyze canonical work on civil war onset, showing that some previous findings are sensitive to the uncertainty in civil war status. We then turn to our second methodological contribution, introducing a technique (‘posterior bagging’) for building improved forecasting models for civil war onset.

PolMeth 2023
Andy Halterman
Andy Halterman
Assistant Professor, MSU Political Science

My research interests include natural language processing, text as data, and subnational armed conflict
